. . . t h i s t i m e , w e m e a n i t ! |
s h o p | l i n k s | a c k n o w l e d g e m e n t s | c o n t a c t |
shop : |
In our online shop you can purchase Pirineos 2011 t-shirts, sweaters, underwear, stickers and more printed on high-quality textiles ... and the best part is; in buying you won't be supporting us but Kiva, a non-profit organization that serves as a worldwide microcredit platform. So go on ... | ![]() |
links : |
G r o u n d e d 2 0 1 2 Grounded Tour page P i r i n e o s 2 0 1 1 Bilder der Pirineos Tour entire GPX file from the tour G r e a t D i v i d e T o u r 2 0 1 0 Great Divide Tour page Great Divide Tour blog Great Divide pictures Great Divide videos E u r a s i a T o u r 2 0 0 9 Eurasia Tour page Eurasia Tour blog Eurasia Tour pictures O t h e r s Tour d'Afrique 2007 SebaMed Kiva Tri-Cycles Ibis & Morpheus distributor City-Bike, Wiesbaden |
acknowledgements : |
Because I could never make a tour on my own, I'd like to thank the following people for their help and support. I'd like to thank my grandparents, Suzon and Rémy, for their lifelong love and help, which I will miss very much. My parents, Ellen and Jean-Paul, I'd like to thank for their encouragements and support. Thanks to Jordí for the great preparotory work and maps. A greetings and thanks to SebaMed for helping us to stay clean. A great thank you to Kiva for their great works, from which the world profits. Thanks to Ute Hieksch for having translated the site in German. I'd like to thank Annette Sandhop for having proof-read my German. Thanks to City-Bike for the job and allowing me to take the time off for this great experience. And, of course, thanks to my team mate, Flo. |
contact : |
If you have any questions, statements, or whatever you want to write, I'll be more than happy to answer. Just write to: |