. . . n o r o o t s , n o t r e e ! |
t h e p l a n | e q u i p m e n t | c h e c k l i s t |
Let's get real ... a good idea alone is not enough! It must be carried out and that's what the organization's all about: Getting rid of all the nasty planning ahead of time so that we can concentrate ourselves solemnly on the tour during the tour and not a hundred other things. | ![]() |
planning, logistics, & maps: |
This time it's a lot easier than for the past tours! [A few less sweat drops to wipe off the forehead] We'll be driving down to Canet-en-Roussillon [F, approx. 710 mi.] by car and leaving it there. Then, we'll take a few TERs [French regional trains] from Perpignan [F] to Biarritz [F]. The bikes can travel for free on these trains and no reservation is required in advance. After the bike tour we'll simply drive back home towards the north. The to and from drive will cost around $ 430. The cost of the train ride is about $ 200. So, the complete logistic costs will total up to approximately $ 315 per person. Then there's the tour money which will be pooled together in the old traditional way and from which our daily necessities will be paid for. We're fixing this sum at around $ 20 per person and day. Which comes to a total of $ 280 per person for the entire tour. To sum it all up, the grand total of the tour will estimate at around $ 600 per person or $ per person per day. You can't find a cheaper "all-inclusive"!
equipment : |
Without the right gear we may risk freezing our a**es off or getting drenched or having to eat disgusting ready-made-soups or breaking down in the middle of the mountains with no way to fix anything. So, equipment is very important BUT we can't overload ourselves ... minimalism is a must! | ![]() |
bikes tent sleep-gear | | | | | tires cooker flatware | | | | | carrier tools medipack | | | | | saddle gps hygiene | | | | | grips bags rags |
checklist : |
Here's the list of things we take with us on tour. Things like water and food is bought underway. Water bottles are exchanged frequently to avoid bacterial infection. |
Bike-gear (everyone):
Clothes (everyone):
Sleeping Gear:
One Person: Medipack (one person):
Hygiene Stuff (one person):
| Tools (one peron):
One Person: Papers:
One Person: Misc (one person):